Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tunnel Fun

I know I have a scroll of raise dead somewhere in my bag of holding, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Well, good thing I have it memorized. I am back with more sarcastic and gushing video game rambles, hopefully for good this time. I am here today to talk about the dangers of what I like to call "GH:III Tunnel Vision".

I love the feel of a cold guitar shaped controller as it warms up in my hand. The click of the strum button, coupled with wailing on the whammy is oddly satisfying. What is not satisfying is the frustration of tunnel vision.

Let's say you are playing "Story Of My Life" and you've achieved the coveted 100%. You know you are damn good at that song, and you are fairly sure you could play it with your eyes closed (no peeking). So you are playing with your evil twin...I mean best friend, and suddenly yours eyes give out. It's sort of like a magic eye picture in reverse. You can see the notes coming, and suddenly all you can see are repeating notes, like a flickering picture. You blink, and the illusion is shattered, and you think to yourself "huh, that was weird, self". Unfortunately, once the picture has been seen, it can't be unseen.

Moments later it happens again, everything is running together and you miss your first note. Of course you bellow out an expletive and feel beads of sweat spring forth on your brow, but you shake your head and keep going, sweet hope still burning in your chest, ready to ruin your life with it's evil, bitter lies. Now all you can see are notes flashing at the bottom of the screen, and you hear the evil twang as you strum off beat, frantically trying to re-adjust your eyes, so you can't see how every line looks the same!

"Perhaps if I focus on the bottom line, where I hit the notes!" You think desperately. It works for a moment, and you can see the whole neck of the guitar again, but that magic eye illusion creeps back up on you after a verse, and the twanging resumes. It seems nothing can stop it.
Seriously, though...has anyone else had this problem? I was kicking ass at this game before, and now I am pulling my hair out. Maybe I just need a good nights sleep...

I'll get you next time C., NEXT TIME!