Saturday, October 20, 2007

God Of War II: The Slippery Slope

I never was much for a series. Give me a good, solid, well written book (Beauty by Robin McKinley, or Moon Dreams by Brad Strickland). It is not so much a matter of focus or attention span, but rather the dragging out of a story that could be told in one book. An avid bibliophile, I've read and loved my share of series' certainly(HP, Terry Pratchett, Francesca Lia Block), but in the end I'd rather curl up with one Kurt Vonnegut book than fifteen Robert Jordan books.

In the world of games, however, I sing a different tune. Give me your Silent Hills, your Ratchet and Clanks, your Fatal Frames. On this note, I beat God of War II yesterday. Like the first it looked a sweet apple picked fresh from the tree...covered in blood and on the back of a Titan in the process of stomping Gods. I'll admit it, I'm not ashamed: what I like best about this game is the violence.

Picture the scene: Emmi comes home after a long day spent shooting a little independent movie with her fiance, Josh, and good friend, Steve. She, though a long shot from Kratos' peak physical condition, has been sliding Bond-like under low-hung tree branches, kneeling behind trees for many hours at a time (okay, maybe 5 minutes, but my knees are still saying it was at least 3 days), and running about shooting at aforementioned fiance. Tired, shaky, hungry, she flings herself onto the couch after returning home, and with just a simple press of a button wreaks havoc on wave upon wave of harpies, undead, and minotaurs. Any girl who tells you she does not secretly dream of impaling a minotaur on his maul is lying. We have a mean streak.

The story is interesting and makes you love the anti-hero Kratos, despite him being a monster of a man with little in the way of redeeming qualities, and no regret for the horrible things he's done (well, one regret, but I'll leave that for you to discover). The music is orchestral, and carries the game nicely, although it can get a little repetitive.

I love plowing through teaming undead and watching them BURST into flares of red, yellow & blue light. After a long day, its not the fae-like orbs that make me croon "Ooooh, pretty!", but the spurts of blood. How satisfying.



Anonymous said...

"Any girl who tells you she does not secretly dream of impaling a minotaur on his maul is lying. We have a mean streak."
Oh hell yeah!! Awesome Blog. Very well written.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you have a good thing going on here. I followed the link you left at grrlgamer. I was wondering, are you at all gonna be buying Heavenly Sword? It looks fantastic. Also, welcome to the grrlgamer neighborhood!